Monday, June 8, 2020

How to write a good argumentative essay topics, examples and step-by-step guide

How to write a good argumentative essay: topics, examples and step-by-step guide Have to write an argumentative essay? Are you nervous about it? If your answer to both questions is â€Å"YES†, then you came to the right place. Sure, writing an essay is always a source of concern for many students, but it doesn’t have to be like that. With a practical guide, you can master the art of writing an argumentative essay before you know it. Here’s how. Definition The main idea behind argumentative essay is to defend a debatable position on a specific issue with the goal to persuade readers to accept your argument. As a writer, your goal is to choose a side and declare whether you agree or disagree with something. The argument has to be supported by valid and reliable evidence. The point of this paper is to demonstrate knowledge of the subject and the ability to start, develop, and finalize an argument without losing reader’s attention. The argumentative essay provides a deeper insight into a certain topic, scratches below the surface to highlight some important ideas. Benefits of writing an argumentative essay No, your professor doesn’t assign argumentative essay just because he (or she) feels like it. Once you graduate you will realize that every single assignment in school and college had its own purpose. The idea is to help students develop certain skills through work on the task at hand. Skills that you develop with argumentative essays include: Anticipating objections – this paper isn’t just about proving you’re right, it also requires addressing opposing views (see below). The writing process entails outlining alternative perspectives and answering questions that reader may have. This allows you to master the art of anticipating objections to understand both sides of the issue. You’ll rely on this skill in your personal and professional life Critical thinking – as you analyze the evidence, arguments, and claims you gradually develop and strengthen critical thinking skills. These skills allow you to understand potential weaknesses in your own arguments and assess any subject or idea in an unbiased manner Writing skills – it’s simple; practice makes perfection. The more you write, the better your essay writing skills will be. This is one of the most important reasons why professors assign essays Logic and rhetoric – argumentative essay helps you master the basic rules of logic such as learning to avoid emotional appeals, writing clear statements rather than generalizations. You’ll also enhance rhetoric skills by emphasizing the importance of the subject and potential outcomes Research skills – the secret behind high-quality essays is in thorough research. You’ll need great research skills throughout your academic life, even when you get a job later on s, unreliable websites aren’t really helpful. Argumentative essay is an academic paper that requires the use of reputable sources, journals, publications, books Write everything that comes to your mind – take a blank piece of paper (or open MS Word) and write everything that comes to your mind regarding the topic. Don’t think about typos, grammar, claims and such. When you’re done, read everything from top to bottom, eliminate things you can’t use. Then, use the rest to construct your essay Give credit where credit is due – to support the claims you need evidence, but don’t forget to include references. When using someone else’s thoughts or ideas to complement your own, you should always give credit where credit is due Be concise – don’t use random words and expressions just to reach word count limit. Always be concise and make sure that every word contributes to the meaning of sentence, paragraph, and thereby the entire essay Think outside the box – essays should spark a debate and they are often controversial. Feel free to explore your creativity, think outside the box, and approach the subject in a nonconventional manner Argumentative Essay Topics In most cases, professor or teacher is the one who assigns a specific topic that students have to discuss. That said, students get to choose their own topics from time to time. Good   Argumentative Essay Topics Here are some topics suggestions you should consider: Should teenagers be required to obtain parents’ permission to use contraceptives? Are athletes overpaid? Is the use of animals for research purposes justified? Scientists cloned monkeys; are humans next? Is human cloning ethical? Should social media platforms regulate comments more thoroughly? Is gun control an effective method of reducing crime rates? Homeschooling prevents children to adopt various social skills Violence in the media makes children violent Does existence of Electoral College undermine freedom of American people to choose the leader they want? Are beauty pageants exploitive? Should prisoners be allowed to vote? Should college tuitions be more affordable? Should surgeries and medications for all diseases be free for everyone? Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores and bad grades?

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