Friday, February 28, 2020

Revolutionary War-Kings Mountain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Revolutionary War-Kings Mountain - Essay Example The results for Britain had grown through the efforts of its forces that enabled them to control Carolina and Georgia.1 The next step was to create forts in the captured places to attract the attention of the Loyalists. With the developments in the campaigns in the southern part of America, more efforts were placed in that portion. The troops of Britain were slowly getting few in numbers so the British leaders had seen the South as the good place for implementing a strategy. They had thought it as a good idea since a lot of immigrants were lived there and many slaves were captured. In short, they thought that many Loyalists reside in the southern portion. Their expectations did not meet the reality because it turned out that their supporters were fewer than the figures they had estimated. The failed plan had led them to continue the campaign towards Carolina with a weak army. That is not all because British forces had also encountered guerilla wars in the places that they had already held. Militia had attacked those bases that had weakened the colonizer even more.2 The occurrence did not stop the rebels to pursue the war and gain the freedom that they wanted to get. In response, they attacked the supply deliveries and stocks of the British forces. An attempt was made to attack the British forces when General Horatio Gates had created a force composed of untrained people. The force met the British in Camden where the untrained American force was chased away by the British force. The encounters happened many times until the Americans won against Britain in Cowpens, South Carolina. The Battle of Kings Mountain occurred when the British forces tried to take control of the Southern part of America. They had done so because they thought there were a lot of Loyalists there. The sad fact is that the estimate was wrong and British forces faced hardships in gaining full control of the south. One of the battles that happened there wherein Britain lost was the Kings

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