Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Leadership Styles From The Canadian Military Journal ( Cmj...

Introduction Leadership is defined by Peter G. Northouse as â€Å"a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal†. One’s leadership style can shape a subordinate’s approach and place emphasis to the task or mission at hand as well as accomplishing long term objectives. The role of any leader is to provide direction and guidance to those who may fall under his/her command. The manner in which leadership is applied, especially in today’s society and ever-changing geopolitical situations can vary significantly and be markedly effective or undermine the leader’s ability to lead. In the readings from the Canadian Military Journal (CMJ) several examples are provided to support each author’s viewpoint of leadership style and I will use these along with my own opinions and experiences to substantiate the importance of differing leadership styles as they pertain to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Profession of Arms in the 21st century. Development In the assigned readings there three viewpoints about leadership are presented: transformational leadership; the warrior ethic; and a blending of transformational and warrior leadership. All three bring forth a number of differing opinions and perspectives on leadership and how it pertains to the CAF. Transformational Leadership: Something Old, Something New, as presented in the CMJ by Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Peter Bradley and Dr. Danielle Charbonneau, contains views on how

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