Monday, December 30, 2019

Nafta And The United Atlantic Free Trade Agreement

Introduction In 1990, Mexico approached the US with a trade agreement to improve the Mexican economy through a bilateral agreement that would benefit both parties (Villarreal 1-3). Negotiations birthed the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in 1994, which included three countries - Mexico, America, and Canada. Since its inception, NAFTA has played an instrumental role in improving the economy of its member states (Thompson 121). Using this agreement, Mexico aimed to attract foreign investments and improve its economic performance in the same regard. For example, it strived to create new job opportunities and find new markets for its products (Thompson 121). These needs emanated from a period of economic slump that hit the Mexican economy in the 1980s and 1990s. These poor economic conditions had caused economic desperation in Mexico (Hufbauer 51-52). The main expectation of approaching the US for a bilateral trade agreement was to increase investor confidence in the country and improve its economic fortunes in the same regard (Villarreal 1-3). Other expected outcomes included improved export diversification, increased wage rates (for local workers), and increased sophistication of the local workforce (Thompson 121-122). Over time, Mexico hoped that the NAFTA agreement would also help it to reduce wage differentials with America. Consequently, NAFTA would affect the economy of the US-Mexico border in multiple ways. Besides the economic advantages of the agreement,Show MoreRelatedThe European Union ( Eu ) And North American Free Trade Agreement1086 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) both consists of twenty-seven countries that makes it the largest trading bloc in the world. Based on the 2008 figure, the value of the exports of goods/services from European Union to NAFTA was 639. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Creating and Maintaining Suspense in Great...

Discuss the ways in which Dickens creates and maintains suspense in chapter 39 of Great Expectations. Charles Dickens was born on the 7th February 1812, during the Victorian era. He was born in Portsmouth but spent most of his life in London. He was considered to be the best author of Victorian times and his work is still very famous today. His father was a well paid clerk in the Navy and his family were well off and very high up in the social classes. But in 1814 his father fell into a lot of debt and ended up in prison. This made the Dickens family fall down the social class ladder and become very poor. While Charless father was in prison, he died this meant that Charles had a very traumatic childhood. This childhood has†¦show more content†¦Many of his books were serialised in newspapers such as Great Expectations, which was serialised in 1860 in a newspaper called All year round because of this the stories had to be interesting and give cliff-hangers so that people would want to buy the next instalment, just like TV soaps of today. From reading the beginning of Great Expectations we have already learnt a lot about Pips character. As a child he was very poor and lived a working class life with his sister Mrs Joe Gargery and her husband Joe Gargery, the blacksmith. His sister treats him very badly, always shouting at him and blaming him for everything, but he gets on very well with Joe and when he reaches 14 he becomes his blacksmith apprentice. But its not just Pips sister that would give him a reason to be scared, while Pip was visiting his mothers and fathers grave when he was younger he came face to face with an escaped convict called Magwich who threatened him and was forced to bring him food. Also when Pip is a young boy he is sent an order to visit Miss Havisham to play and entertain her where he meets Estella and falls in love with her, but he knows that she would never love him back. One day though Pip is told that he is to go to London and live the life of a gentleman and is given a large sum of money. But since he has been in London, suddenly very rich and not having to work he has become very arrogant and selfShow MoreRelated The Signalman, by Charles Dickens; The Battler by Ernest Hemingway2784 Words   |  12 PagesThe Signalman, by Charles Dickens; The Battler by Ernest Hemingway - In what way do the two authors create and maintain interest and suspense in their stories? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Kids vs Disabilities Free Essays

Down syndrome affects many people in this world. Not only does it affect the person diagnosed as Downs, but it also affects their family and everyone around them. There are physical characteristics that help you identify somebody with Downs. We will write a custom essay sample on Kids vs Disabilities or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are also some health concerns that you need to worry about. In this essay I will give you a clearer understanding of what Downs syndrome is, and what it means to have Downs. Down syndrome can be caused for three different reasons. The most prevalent reason is called trisomy 21. This means that rather than having 46 chromosomes you have 47. This is the cause for approximately ninety- five percent of the people affected by Down syndrome. The extra chromosome is usually found on the twenty-first pair. The next cause only affects 1 percent of the Downs population. It is known as mosaicism. This is caused from an error during cell division right after conception has occurred. It has been seen that with mosaicism some of the cells have 47 chromosomes while other cells only have 46 chromosomes. The last reason can be traced back to the parent’s. It is known as translocation. The twenty-first chromosome is translocated on to another chromosome. The parents could be carrying the chromosome that translocates. This form of Down syndrome affects only 3-4 percent of the people living with Downs. There are some health concerns that you should also be aware of when dealing with someone with Downs syndrome. It has been found that between sixty and eighty percent of people with Down syndrome has a hearing deficit. If you were dealing with a young Downs syndrome child it would be a good idea to have their hearing checked. It is also common to have a congenital heart disease. Unfortunately many children need surgery and will be under a doctor’s care their whole life. Children with Down syndrome are more likely to have problems with their vision than other children. A lot of children with Down syndrome have cataracts at birth that need to be removed. Due to the fact that intestinal abnormalities is also more common in children with Downs, one of two things occur. Either they do not eat and fail to get the nutrition they need as infants, or they tend to focus on food and have a problem with obesity. Another contributing factor to this could be the fact that Down children are also more prone to thyroid dysfunctions. This could also affect their central nervous system so it needs to be monitored closely. Some other problems that may occur but are not as likely are: leukemia, seizure disorders, skin disorders, sleep apnea, and early onset of Alzheimer disease. I work very closely with an adult with Down syndrome. I personally see many of these things affect her everyday. Medication can help most of the disorders, but even so, it seems like your life is then controlled by the times that you have to take medication. On the other end of the spectrum, I have found people with Down syndrome to be very loving, and ask nothing more of you than your friendship. To me, this quality makes them very special people. There are some physical characteristics that would help a doctor to identify a child affected by Down syndrome. I think the most prevalent is that of a â€Å"flat† face. It appears that they do not have the same curvature on their face as we do. It seems to be flattened. Next, would be that the back of their head is also flattened. It goes straight down rather than having a curve to it. They also have smaller ears, decreased muscle tone, smaller mouth, a gap between their first two toes, and skin folds in the corner of their eyes. None of these physical features causes any disability or decreases their function. In personal experience I have found that people with Down syndrome also have an enlarged tongue. Because of this they let their tongue hang out of their mouth a lot. Like most things if you start early it can be corrected. In one instance that I have seen, as soon as the child started sticking out her tongue the mother would gently put it back in her mouth. She continued to do this until the child no longer let her tongue hang out of her mouth. If you start to work with Down syndrome children when they are young they seem to go further in life. Children with Down syndrome need just as much attention as other children, and enjoy the same things as other children. Children with Down syndrome must be taught individually though according to what their strengths and weaknesses are. They use certain meetings in order to set their new goals and to see what the child has achieved. The first one is known as the Individual Education Plan (IEP). This will decide what type of education the child will get and how it will be taught. Next is the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). The family plays a large role in the child’s development and these meetings show the parents how they can be more involved and help in the child’s learning. This will continue through their whole life. When they become adults they will have what is known as an Individual Service Plan (ISP). This occurs once a month. The adult with Down syndrome sets their own goals, sees what goals they have met, and decides where they want to go from there. As you can see a person with Down syndrome may entail more of your time and energy, but in my experiences I have found it to be worth the time and energy. They are very loving people that deserve a chance in life just like everyone else. Just remember they have to work twice as hard to get half as far in life as you do. So maybe there is something we can learn from them like how to appreciate the little things, while still doing our best in life. How to cite Kids vs Disabilities, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Role of Governmental Information Provision †

Question: Discuss about the Role of Governmental Information Provision. Answer: Introduction: The advancement in the technology has helped the organizations in making use of the different aspects of the change in the structure and the functioning of the business. The organizations have taken steps to develop science and technology to fit in to the needs of safety and security of the human race. Similar kind of efforts were taken by a collaborative action that was taken by Studio Roosegaarde and the engineers from Heijmans Infrastructure for determining the safety of the drivers through the implementation of the Smart Highway project. The main purpose of the report is to determine the various considerations that are being undertaken by the collaborators in order to develop the project in order to bring in changes in the technology and the user of the same in order to ensure the safety and the security of the people. The report enumerates the model of the organization and the pros and cons that might be faced by the same while undertaking and implementing the change. Organizational model through Canvas Key Partners Key Partner- Studio Roosegaarde and Heijmans Infrastructure. Key Suppliers- the key suppliers for the project are the paint suppliers and the manufacturers that supports the venture of the organization in the market. Key Resources- the key resources that are being required for undertaking the venture are the raw materials of the paints, the wind power technologies and the different electricity types that will help the partners in making the project work effectively. Key Activities- the allocation of the resources and the application of the same for maintaining the effectiveness of the project Key Activities Key Activities- the key activities that are being taken by the venture is based on the understanding of the different implementation procedures for ensuring the safety and the security of the drivers (Hamersma et al., 2016). Customer Relationships- the customer relationships is an important aspect that is being undertaken by the organization for the proper implementation of the project as it is based on ensuring the safety and the security of the drivers and the users of the highway. It is aimed at making the highway more convenient or the users through the undertaking of the value propositions. Value Proposition The collaboration is aimed at understanding the issues that are being faced by the drivers while driving in the highways. It is aimed at ensuring the safety and the security of the drivers and thereby reduces the risks of road accidents. It also aimed at amending the different advantages of utilizing the smart highway project. Customer problems are mainly based on the accidents that occur due to the rough driving and their lack of understanding of the icy terrain that might cause accidents to occur in the highway. The construction of the smart highway helps in regulating the speed of the vehicles and notifies the drivers of the traffic signs without the utilization of electricity through the glow in the dark paints. Customer Relationships The relationship that is being expected by the user is based on the understanding of the issues that they face and the risk of the accidents they face while driving late night. The major aspect of the change that is being undertaken by the organization is to develop the technologies based on the requirements of the people who are using the highroad. Therefore, the major objective of the organization is to determine the needs of the customer in order to provide them with the expected value. Customer Segments The organization is aimed at creating value for the users of the highway. To be more specific of the users, the drivers who undertake difficulties in understanding the roads signs at night while driving. Key Resources The key resources that might be required by the organization while amending the change are: The luminous paints The energy saving lights and technology that supports the same (Gerrard, 2012) The charging technologies for amending to the needs of the users of the electronic vehicles DELET Channels The channels that are being used by the organization for reaching out to the users of the highway are: The website updates The usage of the social media platforms like posts in Facebook and Instagram for reaching ouyut their initiative to the customers The blogs and the forums where discussion is undertaken for determining the feedbacks of the users in order to bring in modifications in the systems Cost Structure The implementation of the project on the highway requires a huge amount of cost that is required to be undertaken. They are: The paints that are being used in the project The eco-friendly technology that is required to be installed for providing electricity to the project The cost of the raw materials that will be supporting the project (Le?niak, 2013) Gaining the appropriate affiliation from the road constructing authorities to bring in the change Revenue Streams The services that are being amended by the collaboration are based on the understanding of the needs of the people who are facing difficulties while driving at night. The government also contributes to the undertaking in order to bring in changes in the structure and the functioning of the smart highway project (Khmel Zhao, 2016). The manners in which the customers prefer to pay for the value are based on the transaction of money through the payment of taxes and cash payments for availing the amendments. Relation between the building blocks The relation between the building blocks for the projects is based on the understanding of the different factors that affects the availability of the resources and the main function that is being undertaken by the collaborators for bringing in the change in the system and the functioning of the project as per the needs of the users. The project is an eco-friendly approach of adhering to the needs of the drivers as they face difficulties in driving at night due to the change in the weather conditions (Tsai Chang, 2012). On the other hand, the project also includes the usage of renewable sources of energy for lighting up the substitutes for the street lamps. It will be helping the collaborators in meeting up to the requirements of the drivers. The cost structure and the approval that is gained by the project will be helping the same in adhering to the requirements of the users. On the other hand, the utilization of the chief resources in the project will be helping the collaborators t o meet the requirements of the drivers. The critical success factors that determine the proper implementation of the project is being discussed in this section of the report. Feasibility of the drivers for the success The understanding of the needs of the drivers while undertaking the technological change, which is being planned by the collaborators. The major aspects of the success are based on the amendments that are being delivered to the users of the highway through the determination of the needs of the same (Xu et al., 2012). The proper functioning of the Smart technologies will be helping the project to boost up based on the determination of the needs of the users. The smooth functioning of the processes will be helping the project is succeeding. The risks that might be faced by the collaborators while undertaking the development of the project is being discussed in this section of the analysis. The malfunctioning of the technologies might affect the smooth functioning of the project in the market. It affects the smooth functioning of the elements that are being introduced as a part of the Smart Highway project. The malfunctioning of the technologies affect the prospects of growth and acceptance of the project. Risks due to durability of the chief resources used in the project The durability of the chief resources that are being used as part of the project affects the development of the project as per the needs of the users. The paint that is being used as the major technological backdrop of the project might be erased through the passage of time. On the other hand, the proper functioning of the turbines and the electricity generators might get affected which creates a havoc impact on the development of the project. The cost that is being incurred by the developers might also affect the need of the resources to be changed after a span of time. The changes that can be taken by the collaborators are being discussed in this section of the report. It helps in understanding the manner in which the project could be made more effective as per the needs of its user. The feedbacks will be helping the organization in taking steps for bringing in improvements in the structure and the functioning of the project. Monitoring over the technological aspects of the project will be helping the collaborators to undertake the smooth functioning of the project subsequent to its affiliation. References Gerrard, M. B. (2012). Reverse environmental impact analysis: effect of climate change on projects.New York Law J,247, 1-4. Hamersma, M., Heinen, E., Tillema, T., Arts, J. (2016). Residents responses to proposed highway projects: Exploring the role of governmental information provision.Transport Policy,49, 56-67. Khmel, V., Zhao, S. (2016). Arrangement of financing for highway infrastructure projects under the conditions of PublicPrivate Partnership.IATSS Research,39(2), 138-145. Le?niak, A. (2013, October). The application of artificial neural networks in indirect cost estimation. InAIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 1558, No. 1, pp. 1312-1315). AIP. Tsai, C. Y., Chang, A. S. (2012). Framework for developing construction sustainability items: the example of highway design.Journal of Cleaner Production,20(1), 127-136. Xu, Y., Sun, C., Skibniewski, M. J., Chan, A. P., Yeung, J. F., Cheng, H. (2012). System Dynamics (SD)-based concession pricing model for PPP highway projects.International Journal of Project Management,30(2), 240-251.